Our Services
EWM Media Services
EWM has more than 60 years combined professional experience and creative passion in graphic design, promotion, and clear communication.
Your church or school logo is often the first impression that people get. EWM is ready to help!









Czech Republic






Business Cards



Facilities Design
Fill your church building with Scripture and God-honoring, worshipful banners.
So tell your community about your event or new church plant. Share compelling slide backgrounds for your next sermon series.
EWM Technology Services
At the time of Christ, Rome, bent on conquest, built an extensive network of roads. These very roads literally paved the way for the spread of the gospel. In the 1400s Gutenberg’s printing press transformed the way humanity communicates. God is using technology to bring the world to an even greater turning point today.
“You bring the Greek,
We’ll bring the GEEK!”
EWM comes alongside churches, Bible schools, and missionaries to take advantage of the seemingly endless variety of tools to spread the Good News to a lost and desperate world. Check out the many ways our experts can harness the power of tech.

Tool Selection
Editing tools can come in all shapes and sizes. What is best for your needs might not be what your friend loves. Sometimes free tools fit the bill, other times you need heavy duty tools. Let us help you in this decision process.

Website Selection
Once we understand your needs, uses, and skill set, let us help you find the right website platform for you. A web developer is rarely needed with the modern tools that are available.

We have helped design all kinds of websites, so we have a pretty good idea of how to guide you in this process. We can provide graphics and other key element, and help you achieve the right messaging for your needs.

Set Up
With a design in hand, let us help configure the site and get you started on your way to your new look. We can help train your people on how to use the new site and are always available to give a helping hand.

Tool Selection
Editing tools can come in all shapes and sizes. What is best for your needs might not be what your friend loves. Sometimes free tools fit the bill, other times you need heavy duty tools. Let us help you in this decision process.

We can help with various audio and video editing projects. We are into films, but short promotion work is well within our means. Let us help you get the gospel message to a needy world.

System Design
With the tools now available it is possible for small to mid-size churches to have solid video systems. Let us help you discover what can be done and assist in a design that can work for you.

Content Creation
From voice-overs to short promotional items to instructional materials, we can help you create the perfect content. If you just need graphics, see our Media Services section.

Needs Assessment
Streaming has gone from a luxury item, to mainstream. The power available to reach beyond your walls is tremendous. Let us help you assess what you need to stream your services or classes.
It might be very simple, or you might need something more powerful Get the gospel outside your walls.

System Design
In the past it was a very expensive proposition to bring in streaming systems. Today for small to medium size applications you might be surprised at what can be done. Let us help you design a system to let you stream your various ministry contexts.

Configuration Help
Setting up systems can be complicated. But, we can assist in configuring your systems. There are limits, but a second set of eyes and experience is worth the ask.
Best Practices
There some ways to simplify your streaming operations. We can help point you in the right direction and help keep you out of a swamp of over complexity, or over simplicity. The gospel needs to be handled well, even when streaming.

Needs Assessment
Wondering if the old paper ledger might need to be updated? Is end of year donation receipting overwhelming? Well, there are excellent tools for handling financial operations. Let us help you understand things you need to consider for your unique situation.
Tool Recommendations
Once you understand your needs, let us help you find the right tool(s) to meet them. There are a lot of good products available, We can narrow the list and get the right tool in the hands of your finance servants.
Configuration Assistance
Once you have a set of tools, it is important to set them up properly. Diving in is great fun, but if they are set up right, the end product is more pain that it is worth. Let us help you configure your new tools and avoid unnecessary headaches.
Data Assessment
Understanding what information is important, and what is not, is more challenging than it seems. It needs to be captured, organized, and accessible. Let us help you determine what data you have and what data you need to effectively minister effectively.

Donation Management
Handling donations can be tricky business, and for some it is better to focus on ministry rather than administration. We can help your find the right tools, or we can handle this task on your behalf.
Donor Management
Handling donors can be easy or hard. But, where do you want to spend your time? We can help your find the right tools, or we can handle this task on your behalf.
Financial Tools
Just like donor and donation management other financial functions, like bookkeeping and payroll are more than just filling in information. We can assist with other financial tool needs.
Turn-Key Solutions
We know that setting up several separate systems and making them work together is difficult.
We have out-of-the-box systems that can make this much easier.
We can get you up and running and we'll be standing by to consult, administer, or even run them on your behalf,

Event Registration
Collecting funds, tracking registrations, issuing refunds is not a trivial task without automation. But learning a new tool takes time. Registering for conferences or classes can be simple, if you have the right tools and know how to use them. We have those tools.
Course Registration
Just like events, course registration requires a bit more effort than might be first understood. We have tools and can recommend tools that can make your life easier for on-going class registration.
Event Prep Support
We have been involved in many conferences and courses, and can share some of our experiences to help make your life easier. We can also assist with media, badging, and other support elements.
Turn Key Solutions
Sometimes you are blessed with the opportunity to share the gospel with larger groups or ongoing teaching/courses. We can assist you with these more complex situations. Stay on track with your ministry and let us help you with the administrative side.

Training Needs
We all have a desire to train those whom we share the gospel, but sometimes where to start is not clear. Let us assist you with needs assessment and approaches to meeting your training goals.

Online Course Tools
Online instruction has come to into the mainstream in ministry, but how best to use it to work with existing ministry is not always clear. Let us help you find the right tools, used the best way, to meet your ministry goals in this new frontier of ministry.
Design & Configuration
Once you have the right tools, setting them up can be almost as challenging a process. Once that is done, away you go! But, just like anything else that is done well, the key work is to have the right foundation, configured well. Let us assist you in that process.
Learning Management
Learning management (LMS) is more in the lines of school level tools to help with a more extensive training program.
There are many aspects to this environment, but if you are looking towards a more sophisticated learning environment, let's talk.
EWM Financial Services

Missionary and Project Support
We help like-minded, overseeing/sending churches and their missionaries with financial administration of donors and donations. We also assist with the missionary funds or other distributions. This can be for projects, personal support, short-term missions exploration or other similar activities. This lifts the administrative burden off of churches, while they still maintain spiritual and mission work oversight. We are not a sending agency, but rather a support organization.
Organizational Financial Administration
We are able to offer financial administration for select non-profit organizations. Services range from bookkeeping, to donor/donation management, to other supporting services. We can also help with these functions without becoming administratively involved, helping you via our technology services.
EWM Language Services

AI Translation Tools
We are able to offer the use of world-class computer assisted translation (CAT)/ management tools that can assist the translation process using artificial intelligence technologies. These tools help advance the gospel message to over 200 languages. We support select publishers, Bible schools, and others involved in this critical Kingdom work.
AI Audio, Video & Instructional Tools
We are able to offer assistance with a variety of AI driven audio and video tools that can convert text to speech, speech to text, the creation of audio books/ blogs, and other forms of audio/ text products.
We also assist with the use of AI video/ graphics tools that help create visual materials for teaching, and other media use.
We have also developed expertise in the use of "AI chat" technologies to assist in the development of instructional content.
Finally, the hurdle to share your message with the world has been lowered right into reality.
EWM can turn that precious manuscript into a professionally-designed and produced printed and electronic book and help you upload it to Amazon.
Whether you have sermon notes you’d like to turn into a commentary, an evangelism tool based on your personal testimony, or a treatise on the 5 Solas, now it’s possible and affordable.
Step-by-Step Advice on uploading to Amazon and Other Printers
EWM Research Services

Ever had an evangelism idea and wonder if it could be done?
Wondered about how to reach your community?
Let us help you hunt down answers to your questions. Reach the world around you.
How does an email campaign work? Are there platforms that work better for podcasts? Let us help hunt down options to improve your communication inside and outside your ministry.
Events can be simple, or they can be complex. Overwhelmed with all of the details? Let us help you find the right solution for registration, management, and conduct of your event.

Technology is moving all the time. What was amazing a few years ago is often pretty vanilla today. Don't think about the past, but rather what is possible today to meet your ministry needs. Let us find the right tech for your task.
We have years of experience helping with church and non-profit administration. Let us help you find the right answers for your ministry needs.
Though none of us likes to deal with finances, they are a critical aspect of ministry. Let us help find the best approach for your needs. Lots of options and so little time. Stay focused on ministry. Let us help!
Is your facility showing its age - needs to be spruced up? Do you need a new place because you have outgrown yours?
Need to use your space more effectively. Let us find good ideas for your facilities.

Just Ask!
Sometimes you don't know where to start. That's OK, just ask and we will do our best to point you in a good direction. If we can't help we probably know someone who can, We will be there for you. So, JUST ASK!