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Support the Toths

Fund # 4720-00

We have been serving with a small team of believers in planting a Reformed Baptist Church in Budapest, Hungary, one of the only in our country, since the beginning of 2023, sent by the Grace Baptist Church of Malaga, Spain.

We have prayed and prepared for this ministry for many years as we have seen the overwhelming need for gospel workers in Hungary.

In Hungary, most people have some Christian religious heritage in their families, but many became atheists or agnostics in the storms of the past century. Our population has a meager percentage of true evangelical churches and born-again believers. Many of the churches in Hungary are heavily influenced by all sorts of superficial false teachings, and the gospel is more and more compromised with pragmatic means.

Hungary has a growing need for a fresh understanding of Biblical truth, the gospel, the true nature of conversion, and the characteristics of genuine, Biblical Christianity. There is a great need for more biblical, Reformed Baptist churches that truly preach the gospel and hold to sound doctrine and trustworthy confessions.

We pray and strive to reach more lost people with the gospel and raise them as disciples of Christ through solid teaching in a biblical church.


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