Support the Vila Lliure Site Fund
Fund # 4420-01
We are excited to announce that we are actively looking to rent a space in the Gràcia neighborhood of Barcelona for the Vila Lliure church plant. We look to this next stage in our community's life with great hope and expectancy, feeling immensely privileged to be part of God's mission towards the people of this great city. Thank you for partnering with us to make this space a reality so that the glories of Christ might be known in this city that we hold dear.
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How does a space forward Vila Lliure's mission?
Even though Barcelona has rapidly secularized, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church still looms large, and the neighborhood of Gràcia is no exception. For the average Catalan, Christianity is inconceivable apart from las parróquias, the parish churches that dot the landscape and preside over public squares. Physical presence in the neighborhood is important here.
Over the past two months, we've been meeting in homes with a small Christian community, and we believe that renting a space will help forward our mission in a variety of ways.
Firstly, it will help us better interface with the neighborhood. We plan on hosting a variety of weekly classes, putting on events, and opening up the space to other local associations and nonprofits.
Secondly, it lowers the barrier to entry for the average Catalan. Coming to indoor gardening classes or even a service at a public, street level space is a far less imposing introduction to the Protestant faith than coming to an apparently secret gathering at someone's apartment.
Thirdly, it puts us on the map and greatly increases our visibility. Unlike some neighborhoods in Barcelona, Gràcia is a pedestrian neighborhood where the vast majority of one-way streets receive heavy foot traffic. Pedestrians have time to observe all of the little shops, restaurants, bars, theaters, studios, music venues, etc., and the church will be no exception.
Fourthly, a public space facilitates a taste and see approach to experiencing Vila Lliure's vision. Many of our local contacts resonate with some part of the vision, but struggle to really believe that it could become a reality when they haven't yet experienced it. Having a space where they could stroll in for a coffee, come to an event, attend a class, and even volunteer in different capacities would give our contacts many more opportunities to experience firsthand what we're all about